情侶Couples +90分鐘專業攝影 Photography
體驗時間:全日體驗可外出自由活動, 客人可挑選 Plan Included: 女生方面 旗袍QiPao x1 XS-XXXL 手袋Handbag x1 髮式Hair Accessories x1 扇子Traditional Hand Fan x1 髮型設計Hair Design x1 男生方面 馬掛 MaQua x1 復古帽 Retro Cap x1 扇子 Traditional Hand Fan x1 復古眼鏡 Retro Sun-Glasses x1 專業攝影 Snap Photography: 一組最多2人為限 Limited to 2person in a group 5張專業修片 5 professional retouch photos 相底全送 All photos soft copies 整個時間 90分鐘 90minutes Snap Photography 須最提前10天預定 At least 10days advance reservation 營業時間:10:30-18:00 當日17:30前歸還即可 Opening Hours: 10:30-18:00 Return: Please return before 17:30 on the rental date. 注意事項 (1) 為保持服務質素,每半小時只接受2位客人的預定 (2) 若延遲原定預約時間10分鐘則無法進行簡易盤髮服務,若延遲原定預約時間30分鐘,則視同取消服務 (3) 如有產生服裝污跡或破損的情況,將收取200至500澳門幣之內的清潔修補費用 (4) 店內提供個人專屬置物袋,除貴重物品外可寄放個人物品與衣物,但若超出置物袋之大小需寄放時,則將酌收行李寄放費 (5) 超時將酌收體驗費用50% Notice: (1) In order to maintain service quality, only accept 2 guests in every 30 minutes. (2) Please on time. Highly recommend to arrive 10 minutes before your appointment time. If you delay the scheduled appointment time by 10 minutes, we will not be able to accommodate you for the Basic Hair Design Service. If you delay the scheduled appointment time by 30 minutes or above, your appointment will be cancelled without any refund. (3) Please take good care of our “QiPao” and accessories. If there is any clothing stain or damage, the deep cleaning and repairing fee will be charged between MOP 200 and MOP 500 (4) Personal storage bag is provided in the store. Personal items and clothes can be stored except for valuables. However, if the size of the storage bag is exceeded, the baggage allowance fee will be collected. (5) Overtime will need to charge 50% of your package price.
取消條款:若您已付訂金,將無法退回訂金費用,但接受當天8號颱風訊號、黑色或紅色暴雨訊號的改期服務。 Cancellation policy: Once you made pre-payment, we will not accept any cancellation or refund request. However we accept reservation amendment request if on your reservation day has typhoon signal no.8, black or red rainstorm warning signal.
旗緣 QiYuan 澳門旗袍體驗店 QiPao Rental, 澳門銅鑼圍鴻江閣地下A