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男仕配件 Male Accessories (西式)


10 分鐘
Patio da Batega


客人可挑選 Plan Included: 吊帶夾 Braces x1 貝雷帽 Beret x1 領結 Bow Tie x1 復古眼鏡 Retro Sun-Glasses x1 任你自由搭配 Subject for your selection **請自備襯衣及深色長褲 Please prepare your shirt deep color long pants** 營業時間:10:30-19:00 體驗時間:全日體驗可外出自由活動,當日18:30前歸還即可 Opening Hours: 10:30-19:00 Return: Please return before 18:30 on the rental date. For providing better arrangement and service, kindly provide your height and size preference. 注意事項: *預約完成後會在體驗日前一天提醒通知,預約當天延遲保留10分鐘,臨時取消者及扣除全額費用 *預時歸還:超過營業時間六點,遇時一小時收取50%體驗費 *現場提供免費相關配件,依現場貨源為主 *如因個人因素導致衣服、配件、道具損壞,須照價賠償 Important Notice: *Please arrive our shop 10 mins before your reservation time. Late arrive will need to wait until next customer complete the dress up. *Please note that cancellation within 2 days before reservation will be charged 100% of the fee. *If cannot return on due day. We have an optional service for returning until next day (fee is 50% additional charge base on your plan).


取消條款:若您已付訂金,將無法退回訂金費用,但接受當天8號颱風訊號、黑色或紅色暴雨訊號的改期服務。 Cancellation policy: Once you made pre-payment, we will not accept any cancellation or refund request. However we accept reservation amendment request if on your reservation day has typhoon signal no.8, black or red rainstorm warning signal.


  • 旗緣 QiYuan 澳門旗袍體驗店 QiPao Rental, 澳門銅鑼圍鴻江閣地下A

Mon - Sum: 10:30Am - 06:00pm 

Line 官方帳號:

店址:澳門​銅鑼圍8號 鴻江閣地下A座

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