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交通指南 Access
體驗地址:澳門銅鑼圍8號 鴻江閣地下A座
澳門外港客運碼頭:公車路線3搭乘至「新馬路/華僑 M134」站,步行5分鐘
澳門氹仔客運碼頭:公車路線26搭乘至「沙欄仔 M200」站,步行5分鐘
澳門國際機場:公車路線26搭乘至「沙欄仔 M200」站,步行5分鐘
Public Transportation:
From ZhuHai Border: Take Bus 3X, 3 or 101X, stop at 「ALMEIDA RIBEIRO / TAI FUNG M135」, 5 minutes walk to rental store
From Macau Outer Ferry Terminal: Take Bus 3, stop at 「ALMEIDA RIBEIRO / WENG HANG M134」, 5 minutes walk to rental store
From Tapia Ferry Terminal: Take Bus 26, stop at 「RUA DO TARRAFEIRO M200」,5 minutes walk to the rental store.
From Macau International Airport:Take Bus 26, stop at 「RUA DO TARRAFEIRO M200」,5 minutes walk to the rental store.
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